Cloverdale Elementary

Address: 3999 Greenwillow
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Phone: (208) 525-4450 Fax: (208) 5240171 Email: Website:

Developmental Preschool (ages 3 – 5 years)
Bonneville School District #93
offers developmental preschool programs on the campuses of Fairview, Hillview and Iona schools. Each preschool is integrated with non-disabled peers, allowing for appropriate modeling to takeplace. The preschools operate three days a week, (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) for two and one half hours. Morning or afternoon sessions are provided. Another option, especially for the younger preschooler, is a home -based/play group program. The younger preschoolers attend a play group offered on Monday mornings for socialization. A preschool staff member also visits each child's home on a weekly basis with activities designed to address the child's needs. The teacher models ways to use these materials for the parent, while working with the preschooler. The parent is given time to discuss any questions or concerns with the teacher. Materials can be left for the parent to use with the child until the next visit.

Head Start placement may also be considered as an option for preschoolers, especially if the parents(s) qualify for these services. Head Start is a federally funded program for low-income, preschool children and their families.

The Adult/Child Development Center (A/CDC) is another site that provides both preschool and home-based services. The classroom sizes are much smaller with a lower adult/student ratio.

Speech and/or language services are offered by the neighborhood school Speech/Language Pathologist if the preschooler meets the state criteria as speech or language impaired. 

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