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Medical Center, Hillsboro Community (HCMC), KS
Hillsboro Community Hospital is a 25 bed critical access hospital. We pride ourselves on providing top quality care for Hillsboro and all of Marion County. Services include but are not limited to the following:
Hillsboro Clinic:
Laboratory tests and x-rays can be done within a few minutes with results to your physician. Our family oriented clinic staff is ready to serve your needs in time of sickness, wellness checkups or simple immunizations. Our goal is to provide a holistic approach to patient care with a strong teaching component. The transportation department can assist you with getting to the doctor or other services if you don’t have transportation. The clinic sees patients from all ages and each patient is treated to their specific development and needs.
Inpatient Care:
Includes a 25 bed unit that provides quality care for the acute or chronically ill patient. Care is provided for everyone through the complete age spectrum, children through geriatrics. Care provided on this unit may be as an outpatient treatment, 24-hour observation status, inpatient or in the swing-bed program.
Emergency Room:
Our emergency room is your first line for help in case of any emergency. The Emergency Room is staffed 24/7 by a pool of trained and qualified providers.
Full-Service Laboratory:
We provide diagnostic and monitoring tests for all bodily fluids and substances and tests are available to anyone requiring lab work – inpatient, resident or outpatient during normal business hours: 7AM – 5PM, Monday through Friday. Staff are available after hours for emergency room patients. Referrals must have a signed physician's order from a Kansas licensed physician
Specialty Clinic:
Hillsboro Community Hospital brings specialists to Hillsboro to serve the medical needs of our patients. The Specialty Clinic is located in the hospital, in an area south of the patient rooms. Clinics include:
General Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Pain Relief
Rehabilitation Services:
Includes three strong programs: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
Physical Therapy – The PT staff works with hospital, post acute care (swing bed), nursing home, and outpatients. Patients are referred from local doctors as well as doctors from Wichita, Salina, Newton, Canton, McPherson, Halstead, Hutchinson, and Marion.
Occupational Therapy- Our occupational therapists work with hospital, skilled swing bed, geriatric-psychiatric, nursing home, home health, outpatients, and the community. Occupational Therapy can help to ensure a fuller, more productive, and independent lifestyle.
Speech Language Therapy – is the application of principles and methods for measurement, testing, screening, evaluation, identification, prediction and counseling related to the development and disorders of speech, voice, language or swallowing. Speech Therapy Treatment Interventions:
Treatment for aphasia and/or language disorder
Treatment for apraxia of speech
Treatment for dysarthria and/or articulation disorders
Treatment for Dysphagia
Treatment for Cognitive/Linguistic Disorders
Treatment for voice disorders
Treatment for hearing impairments
The Radiology Department:
Provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient diagnostic, and minimally invasive radiology services including:
Radiography (X-Ray)
Computed Tomography (CT) Scans
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ultrasound, including OB sonograms
Mobile X-Ray and C-Arm units in-house
Respiratory Therapy:
We provide a full range of respiratory, modalities and work with all age groups. Some of the modalities and diagnostic procedures provided are:
Therapeutic Modalities including Nubulizer treatments, IPPB, MDI, Aerosol Treatments, Postural Drainage and Percussion, Suctioning, High Humidity Therapy, O2 Therapy, Breathing Retraining and Croup Tents.
Ventilator Care including Acute, Chronic, Ventilator Weaning and Long Term Care.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) including O2 Concentrators, Nebulizers, Ventilators, CPAP, BiPAP and Apnea equipment.
Diagnostic Testing including PFS, ABG's Pulse Oximetry, Sleep Hypoxia Studies, EKG, Cardiac Stress Testing and Sleep Apnea Studies
Patient Education including Asthma, Hypoxia, COPD, Sleep Apnea and other lung disorders.
A full range of Pediatric Services.
Tracheaostomy Care including Acute, Long Term and Education for the Home Environment of adults as well as pediatrics.
Our nursing staff help ensure the experience is a positive one by offering patients and their caregivers information about what to expect before, during or after their surgical procedure. Surgical and Endoscopic procedures at HCH include:
Cataract & other eye surgeries
Swing Bed:
A swing bed doesn’t swing physically, but it swings in the way Medicare reimburses for the care provided to the patient. Patients being treated for an acute condition can remain in the hospital for follow-up care rather than be discharged to home before they are ready. The swing bed program also prevents being discharged to a nursing home for rehabilitation or further strengthening that is only needed for a a limited time before the patient can return to their prior living arrangements. Swing bed patients may have been hospitalized at HCH and require more time to heal, or they may have been hospitalized in a facility away from home and transferred back to HCH for their swing bed stay. Areas of care provided by our Swing Bed services include:
Wound Care
IV Therapy
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
24 hour Nursing Care
Pain Managment
Extended Recovery Time
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:
Hillsboro Clinic:
704 South Main Street, Hillsboro, Kansas 67063
Phone: (620) 947-1488
Hillsboro Community Medical Center: