Cerebral Palsy Hero 1/24/24 – Lucas

Let’s give a warm CPFN welcome to today’s #CPHero, Lucas! This 15-year-old high school freshman was diagnosed with spastic hemiplegia CP when he was three years old. His left side is affected, and he requires the use of an AFO brace on his left ankle.
Lucas has worked both in and out of school with many specialists and educators to help him overcome both physical and learning disabilities. He is now a straight-A student, in the school choir, rides BMX at the local track, is working on his black belt in karate, and is starting on the school track team in the spring!
Lucas keeps such a positive attitude with everything he does and never complains about anything. With his big heart and gentle spirit, he is a true example of what it looks like when you never let your disabilities dictate your abilities.
#inspiration #cp #cerebralpalsy #hero #dailyinspo