Cerebral Palsy Hero 2/13/23 – Ruby

Let’s give a warm CPFN welcome to today’s #CPHero, Ruby! After an uneventful pregnancy and birth Ruby was diagnosed with CP of an unknown origin when she was 18 months old. She has spastic diplegia and used a walker for many of her early years. Today she can walk independently but will rely on the use of a wheelchair for longer distances, especially in school and when shopping. When you meet Ruby, you quickly learn that she is the world’s biggest Cincinnati Reds fan. She is strong-willed, the comedian of the family, a risk taker, lover of animals, thoughtful, smart, and confident. Today she participates on the 8th grade basketball cheer team, 4H and is a member of the National Junior Honor Society.
#inspiration #cp #cerebralpalsy #hero #dailyinspo