Cerebral Palsy Hero 2/2/23 – Charleston

Let’s hear it for today’s #CPHero, Charleston! A 23.5-week preemie, he started life with a tracheostomy, g-tube, cerebral palsy, nearsighted to the point of near blindness, VP shunt, asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and more. Abandoned at age 2, he was fostered—and eventually adopted—by his respiratory therapist. Charleston went from not even being able to sit up on his own to a thriving 1st grader, running down the school halls with his walker. He makes everybody’s day better with his smile and always has a hug waiting for you. His mother says, “he is the best thing I have ever done with my life. People always tell me Charleston’s the lucky one, but it was me that became lucky the day we became a forever family. I love him so much and thank God every day for how perfect he is.”
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