Cerebral Palsy Hero 4/25/24 – Dolly-fae

It’s time to give a huge CPFN welcome to today’s #CPHero, Dolly-fae! Dolly discovered her passion for Crossfit at age 14 when she realized there was an adaptive way for her to participate. She attended her first competition as a spectator and was hooked! She went to the next as a competitor and won a Spirit of the Games award! In March 2024, Dolly was invited to take part in a world record attempt at the biggest disabled exercise class, and the record was smashed. Job done!
Now 17, Dolly is currently training for her next competition, hitting the gym at least three times a week to get herself in top shape. She competes in Adaptive Pairs, which matches her with a fully abled partner…in this case, her very own mum!
“I try not to think of myself as disabled, just differently abled. I wish society could do the same.“
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