Cerebral Palsy Hero 4/30/23 – Kayden

Let’s all say hi to today’s #CP Hero, Kayden! Born at 24 weeks, Kayden (KK) can only walk with assistance and is learning to use a one-handed wheelchair and a communication tablet. Though non-verbal, this happy and outgoing young man has no trouble sharing his opinion or letting you know he’s hungry. He attends elementary school, is excited to be picked up in the mornings and is enthusiastic when asked if he had a good day at school. He loves roughhousing with his Pawpaw, his entertainment tablet, jumping on a trampoline, and many other activities. He scoots himself around well and gets a kick out of it when Pawpaw tells him to quit stomping, running through the house, or jumping.
As shown, KK is frequently accompanied by his loyal minions, who love him to pieces. Every morning KK wakes up with a smile on his face and in his heart, ready to live his special life to the fullest — refusing to be left out of whatever his siblings may be doing and attacking every obstacle with gusto.
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