Cerebral Palsy Hero 5/3/21 – Shiloh

Meet today’s #CPHero, Shiloh! With an early quad CP diagnosis, Shiloh spent his first 14 months in foster care before he was permanently placed with a family that already had four older children. Doctors said he would never walk unassisted and would likely never speak.
Now 13 years old, Shiloh speaks without a device, walks without leg braces, and recently decided to try junior high track! Shiloh has always gone into every challenge with a positive attitude and a big smile on his face. The road has not been easy for him, but the life lessons gained by Shiloh and his forever family are hard to put into just words! He has taught his family patience, perseverance, kindness, compassion and, above all, to NEVER underestimate the power of the human spirit!
#inspiration #cp #cerebralpalsy #hero #dailyinspo