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AbleData is sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), part of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) of the U.S. Department of Education.
AbleData provides objective information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment available from domestic and international sources to consumers, organizations, professionals, and caregivers within the United States. We serve the nation's disability, rehabilitation, and senior communities.
We do not produce, distribute or sell any of the products listed on this website, but we provide you with information on how to contact manufacturers or distributors of these products. We also do not produce any type of catalog.
AbleData's most significant resource is the AbleData database of assistive technology, which contains objective information on almost 40,000 assistive products. For each product, we provide a detailed description of the product's functions and features, price information (when available), and contact information for the product's manufacturer and/or distributors. We also offer information on non-commercial prototypes, customized and one-of-a-kind products, and do-it-yourself designs. To select products most appropriate to your needs, we suggest combining information provided by AbleData with professional advice, product evaluations, and hands-on product trials.