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About Families CEDARR Center
"About Families is the oldest CEDARR center in Rhode Island and is dedicated to providing quality care and support to children with special health care needs and their families. All Medicaid eligible children between the ages of 0 to 21 are eligible for CEDARR services.
About Families works with a wide range of children with various clinical needs which include: Autism; Developmental Delays; ADHD; Depression and other Mood Disorders; Bi-Polar Disorder; Anxiety Related Disorders; Chromosome Disorders; Motor Coordination and Sensory Needs. CEDARR refers to Comprehensive Evaluation, Diagnosis, Assessment, Referral and Re-evaluation. The CEDARR initiative was implemented by the State to enhance its capacity to provide access to a broad array of community based, clinically appropriate, family centered services for children with special health care needs and their families. Through this initiative, the State certifies CEDARR Family Centers to work with children and their families to identify their needs and to coordinate and outreach direct service providers. Where appropriate the CEDARR Center also provides mental and behavioral health treatment and parent training. The goal is to insure timely access to appropriate, high quality services. The cost for the services is reimbursed by the Medicaid Program."