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Absarokee Public Schools
Public School District including Elementary and Junior High/High School. "The Absarokee School District will create conditions for students to acquire skills which support their success in an ever changing world. We have a new program, previously approved by the board, through CompassLearning and Odyssey. We currently test our students a few times a year to see where they are with respect to their Math, Science and Language Arts skills. MAP testing allows us to see where our students are strongest and where they need improvement, so that we can help them get better. CompassLearning will take the results of our MAP tests and automatically generate an enrichment program specifically tailored for each individual student. This program will also allow us to offer credit recovery for students who are behind and at risk of graduating or dropping out. It will also allow us to supplement our class offerings with classes we do not currently have, including AP classes for our best and brightest, as well as giving teachers additional resources and activities to assist with regular classroom instruction. Adults who want to improve their educational levels or prepare for the G.E.D. may also contact the school and use the program after hours as well!"