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ADA Center, Northeast
The Northeast ADA Center is part of a national network of centers which provide complete up-to-date information, referrals, resources, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We serve businesses, employers, government entities, and individuals with disabilities as well as the media. We also conduct research which increases our knowledge of best practices for the employment with people with disabilities. The Northeast ADA Center serves New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
Programs and Services:
ADA Trainer Network
The ADA Trainer Network was created by the Northeast ADA Center at the Employment and Disability Institute at Cornell University. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance our capacity to reach a broader range of stakeholders in our region — stakeholders who are directly or indirectly impacted by the ADA whether in their personal experience, in a professional role, through employment, in their business and customer interactions, in their relationship to the built environment or in their participation in other programs and policies.
Businesses, state and federal Agencies, local agencies and not for profits in NY, NJ, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico are welcome to request a training from members of Northeast ADA Center Trainer Network. Summaries of available trainings are available in the links below. The staff at the Northeast ADA Center also offers customized training on other topics related to the disability, legislation, and community integration.
Request a training in your area.
Download ADA Trainer Network brochure (PDF | 215 KB)
View our Training Programs
Kessler Grant
Supported by a grant from the Henry H. Kessler Foundation, the Discovering Untapped Talent Program is an innovative approach to enhance the disability inclusiveness of employers in New Jersey. As a result of the program, participants build awareness, strategies and partnerships to ensure that New Jersey businesses benefit from the full range of talent available to them, including talented people with disabilities. This program was designed and implemented in collaboration with the Garden State Council of the Society for Human Resource Management, New Jersey Independent Living Centers, the New Jersey Business Leadership Network and
The program uses a blended learning approach and includes both in-person and online components. The in-person workshop engages employers and disability service providers in a variety of interactive learning experiences, including simulations, strategy-building and disability awareness. The in-person program is bolstered by online learning tutorials, one for employers/business leaders and another for disability service providers.
Contact us:
1-800-949-4232 (Voice, TTY & Spanish in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands)