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Adail County Public Transportation – Kentucky
Adail County Public Transportation is provided by the L.K.L.P Community Action Partnership.
LKLP serves as the HSTD (Human Services Transportation and Delivery) Transportation Broker for the Region 5 area which includes Adair County: Medicaid, Department for the Blind, and Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Recipients can contact: Regional Broker’s Office at 1-866-348-8579. L.K.L.P. Community Action Council is a private, non-profit corporation with the primary service area of the southeastern Kentucky counties of Leslie, Knott, Letcher, and Perry in the Kentucky River region. The agency is a Community Action Agency established by the Kentucky General Assembly.
Services provided include: Urgent Care transportation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
LKLP provides transportation services in compliance with the ADA’s vehicle requirements including accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Services include but not limited to: boarding ramps, vehicle lifts for wheelchairs, controls to ensure that the lifts are secure when in use, platform barriers to prevent wheelchairs from rolling while vehicle is in motion, platform surfaces that are free of obstructions over ¼ inches high and slip resistant.
LKLP Public Transportation Programs:
For scheduling Public Transportation, call: