Direct Services/Individual Advocacy

AJE provides direct services to parents in the form of individual representation in situations when the intervention of a third party is necessary to ensure that appropriate services are being made available to a family in need.  We provide assistance at IEP meetings, schools meetings, and disciplinary hearings.

Community Education

Parents of children with special needs have a desire to know more about their child’s disability, its impact on their family, and the support that is necessary for the child to thrive and grow – physically and intellectually. We provide community education through our workshops and seminars which are free to the families we serve.  You can view our monthly trainings under our Events tab above.

District of Columbia Parent Information Network (DC PIN)

DC PIN  provides children and youth (ages 0-26) with special needs and their families with family navigation, care coordination, community education and individual advocacy.

Parent to Parent

Our Parent-to-Parent program provides parents with leadership training and a supportive network to peers. An important component of the Parent to Parent program is our Parent-to-Parent Support Group. This support group meets the first Tuesday of each month from 5:30 pm– 7:00pm. Each session focuses on information sharing, and learning about advanced topics related to special education. All parents are welcome to attend. Please call AJE office to inquire about the location of monthly support group meetings.

Parent Training and Resource Center

The Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) is a comprehensive resource library and training center. The center offers parents information on the laws of special education, specific disabilites, the latest research on treatment and interventions, and adaptive technology.

Transition Advocacy Project

The Transition Advocacy Project (TAP) provides youth ages 13-26 with support, advocacy, information, and training in order to improve their involvement in their educational planning.

Visit our Programs page to learn more: