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Aging and Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County
Department of Health & Human Services
The Aging and Disability Resource Center or Waukesha County (ADRC) sponsors subsidized transportation services for non/limited-driving older adults 65 years of age and older, and for individuals with disabilities who are under the age of 65. Users of the transportation services are required to complete an eligibility application. When approved for transportation services, applicants receive a discounted fare. Transportation services vary depending on the community in which county residents live, and whether the individual is ambulatory or non-ambulatory. Fares for one-way trips are subsidized depending on the person's ability to pay, the distance traveled, the transportation program used, and the subsidy rate established by the ADRC. The Shared-Fare Taxi Program is available to Waukesha County residents who are non/limited-drivers and are 65 years of age or older, or under 65 years of age and receiving SSI or SSDI. Individuals must be able to enter or exit a car with little or no assistance. Individuals must complete an Application and be certified before using the program. If the taxi program does not serve the area in which a trip is to be made, an individual may be eligible for RideLine Service and should complete the full application. For ambulatory individuals, the RideLine Application will also provide Taxi program access. The Ride Line Program is available to Waukesha County residents who are non/limited-drivers and 65 years of age or older, or under 65 years of age and users of a cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair, scooter, or legally blind. Individuals must be unable to enter or exit a car with little or no assistance. If a certified person is ambulatory and the trip is not in a taxi provider's service area, the person may use the RideLine program.