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ALASKA Assistive Technology – ATLA
Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA) connects Alaskans with disabilities to the tools they need to learn, work, play, and participate in community life safely and independently. ATLA is the implementing agency for Alaska's Federal Assistive Technology "AT Act" Project and provides services and activities for Alaskans of all ages. Staff work in collaboration with the Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Independent Living Centers, schools, organizations, businesses and other entities around the state to increase the awareness and knowledge of the benefits of assistive technology (AT).
ATLA offers the following:
- Assessments for AT
- Awareness Activities and Events
- Demonstrations
- Funding options
- Information and Assistance
- Loans of AT
- Reuse /Recyclng AT
- Resources
- Sales of AT
- Technical Assistance
- Training
- Webinars
Assistive Technology Loan Fund:
The Assistive Technology (AT) Loan Fund helps improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities through a flexible loan option program that allows them to purchase needed AT to improve independence and productivity which will decrease the need for public support. This option may allow customers to access a lower interest rate and/or longer term repayment timelines based on their individual needs. Each loan recipient is legally obligated to pay their loan back per the signed loan documentation. The State guarantees 90% of this loan while the commercial bank covers the remaining 10% guarantee.