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ALASKA Assistive Technology TRADING POST
Are you looking for good quality used equipment? At the AK Trading Post you can find equipment available for loan, sale, or free. You can also find equipment from local lending programs to try out before you buy. Some of the items will be available for short term loan. The loan process will be dictated by each partner and they may have their own eligibility criteria for lending or giving away the equipment. Contact the organization directly.
Assistive Technology of Alaska – ATLA
2217 E. Tudor, Suite 4
Anchorage, AK 99507
Local: 907 563-2599
Toll Free: 800 723-2852
TTY: 907 561-2592
FAX: 907 563-0699
The Alaska Trading Post is a free service from the Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA) and it's partners. CREATE ACCOUNT then list your own AT and durable medical equipment. Only Alaskans can add items to the AK Trading Post; however, all others are welcome to purchase items.
The Trading Post has a variety of equipment available for all of your needs. Equipment available includes: computers, wheelchairs & scooters, walkers, personal care items, items for vision and hearing impairments, hospital beds, and much more.