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Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation – State Parks – ADA Facilities
The website below provides information on ADA Facilities in Alaska State Parks. The list is alphabetized by facility type, such as trails, cabins or campgrounds. The Alaska State Parks Statewide Brochure has facilities listed by town with a notation marking facilities with accessible features.
If a park or cabin is underlined, click on the name for more information on that park or cabin. Click on the town name for park location and other facilities, as shown in the statewide brochure pages.
Disclaimer: Accessibility standards change over time as guidelines are being developed. When a facility is built or remodeled, it meets guidelines current at the time of construction. Although access issues are addressed, some persons with particular disabilities may have difficulty with, for example, the signing, window latches or stoves. It is recommended that the disabled park visitor bring along a fully able companion on his or her first visit to a park facility in case of difficulties or problems. Solo trips can be taken later, knowing the facility and terrain. If anyone using facilities listed here encounters difficulties not mentioned, please contact local park staff or email:
For more information, contact:
Director's Office
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation
550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1380
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 269-8700
Fax: (907) 269-8907