Alaska Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

Address: 801 West 10th Street, Suite A
Juneau, AK 99801-1894
Phone: (907) 465-2814 Fax: (907) 4652856 Email: Website:

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) helps Alaskans with disabilities get and keep good jobs. It is part of the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development and provides services throughout Alaska from twelve offices.

Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Central Office
801 West 10th Street, Suite A
Juneau, Alaska 99801-1894
V/TDD: 465-2814
FAX : 465-2856
Toll Free V/TDD : (800) 478-2815

Anchorage Administrative Office
619 Ship Creek Avenue, Suite 331
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1677
TDD: 269-3570
FAX: 269-3632
Toll Free: (800) 478-4378

Anchorage – Western Region
Hersh Wallace, VR Manager
Anchorage Counseling Center
1016 W. 6th, Suite 102
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1963
V: 269-3580
Fax: 269-3636
Toll Free: (888) 330-6468


Anchorage – Eagle River Region
Macrina Fazio, VR Manager
Counseling and Evaluation Center

4600 Debarr Road, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-3126
V/TDD: 269-2060
FAX: 269-2056
Toll Free V/TDD: (800) 478-4467
Conference Room: 269-2049 

Eagle River Outstation
11723 Old Glenn Hwy, #B4
Eagle River, Alaska 99577-7749
V/TDD: 696-6840
Fax: 696-6867

Mat-Su – Kenai Region
Cindy Murphy-Fox, VR Manager 
Wasilla Branch Office
913 W. Commercial Drive
Wasilla, Alaska 99654-6937V/TDD: 352-2545
FAX: 352-2547
Toll Free: (800) 770-4124 

Kenai Branch Office
145 Main Street Loop, Suite 143
Kenai, Alaska 99611-7768 V/TDD: 283-3133
FAX: 283-3814
Toll Free V/TDD: (800) 478-3136

Northern Region
Pamela Curns, VR Manager
Fairbanks Branch Office
751 Old Richardson Highway, Suite 102
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701-7802

V/TDD: 451-6261
FAX: 452-7271
Toll Free: (800) 478-2839 

Southern Region
Jim Swanson, VR Manager
Juneau Branch Office
10002 Glacier Highway, Suite 305
Juneau, Alaska 99801-8569 
V/TDD: 465-8943

Ketchikan Job Center DVR Office
Tongass Commercial Center
2030 Sea Level Drive, Suite 220-A
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901-6073
FAX: 465-6857
Toll Free: (800) 478-2387
V/TDD: 228-3245
FAX: 225-3364
Toll Free: (800) 478-5387

Sitka Branch Office
304 Lake Street, Room 101
Sitka, Alaska 99835-7563
V/TDD: 747-4788
FAX: 747-6452
Toll Free: (800) 478-2726

Kodiak Job Center DVR Office
309 Center Ave.
Kodiak AK 99615-6373 
V/TDD: 486-5787
FAX: 486-2734
Toll Free: (800) 478-5787






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