Albuquerque Speech, Language and Hearing Center

Address: 9500 Montgomery Boulevard, Suite 215
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Phone: (505) 247-4224 Email: Website:

For over 50 years, Albuquerque Speech Language Hearing Center has set a standard of excellence by providing solutions to New Mexicans with speech and hearing challenges regardless of their age or income level. Using state-of-the-art equipment and the latest in innovative techniques, the Center offers an opportunity for the people of New Mexico to experience treatment individually suited for their particular needs.

ASLHC is a provider for many health insurance companies, and we also accept Medicaid, Medicare and the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, among others. Private pay clients are always welcome as well. As a social enterprise 501(c)3 organization, the Center uses the proceeds from its clinical operations to offset the cost of providing services to those who do not have adequate financial resources. You can help as well, and we thank you for any contribution which will enable others to regain communication with the world they live in.

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