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Aleknagik School, Southwest Regional Schools
Aleknagik is located at the head of Wood River on the southeast end of Lake Aleknagik, 16 miles northwest of Dillingham. The community lies at approximately 59.273060° North Latitude and -158.61778° (West) Longitude. (Sec. 31, T010S, R055W, Seward Meridian.) Aleknagik is located in the Bristol Bay Recording District. There is one school located in the community, attended by 33 students. Aleknagik School is part of the Southwest Region School District. The villages served by Southwest Region Schools are located 15 to 75 miles from the district headquarters in Dillingham. Of the nine villages, only Aleknagik is accessible by road from Dillingham. All of the other villages are accessed by air, primarily using small, single engine planes.