American Academy of Audiology – North Caroline Chapter

Address: 530 Person Street
Raleigh, NC 27611
Phone: 919-833-3984 Fax: 919-832-0445 Email: NO EMAIL Website:

Welcome to the American Academy of Audiology – North Carolina chapter. AAA-NC is a professional society of audiologists, practicing in a variety of settings across the state, who are dedicated to serving North Carolinians with hearing and vestibular impairment.

Our primary objectives are fostering professional autonomy, providing quality continuing education (CEU) opportunities, and increasing public awareness of hearing and vestibular disorders and their treatment. AAA-NC is the largest community of audiologists in North Carolina and the primary advocate for state legislative issues impacting audiology practice and patient care. We fight to keep North Carolina residents safe from laws that place people with hearing/vestibular impairment and their families at risk. We need every North Carolina audiologist to join our efforts! Since 1997, AAA-NC has been a division of the North Carolina Speech Hearing and Language Association (NCSHLA).

When you join NCSHLA, you receive free membership to AAA-NC! For less than $0.25 a day ($100 annually), you can enjoy the benefits and opportunities of being an AAA-NC and NCSHLA member.

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