Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center – Anchorage ALASKA

Address: P.O. Box 201849
Anchorage, AK 99520
Phone: (907) 257-4600 Fax: (907) 7922369 Website:

In 1974, Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center (ANHC) began service to Anchorage with a handful of clinicians in a trailer. Since that time, it has grown to become one of Alaska’s largest and most comprehensive primary care medical and dental practices. ANHC is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) under section 330 of the Public Health Act. It was Alaska’s first community health center, and remains the state’s largest, serving over 12,000 individual patients through over 40,000 visits per year.  The Health Center provides primary health care to people of all ages, from its clinic near downtown Anchorage in the Fairview neighborhood

Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center
P.O. Box 201849
Anchorage, AK 99520-1849

Fairview Health and Dental Center
(medical and dental services)
1217 E. Tenth Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501

(907) 257-4600     general inquiries
(907) 257-4686     medical appointments
(907) 257-4661     dental appointments
(907) 257-4691     pharmacy
(907) 257-4609     lab and x-ray
(907) 257-4640     medical records (fax 257-4644)

Our Locations

Fairview Health Center
1217 E. 10th Avenue
Info: 257-4600
Appointments: 257-4686
Dental: 257-4661
Pharmacy: 257-4691

Administration & Finance
903 W. Northern Lights Blvd., Suite 218
Patient Billing
Questions: 792-6500
Admin: 792-6538

Medical Clinic Hours
Mon, Wed: 8am-8pm
Tue, Thu, Fri: 8am-5pm
Call for appointments after 7:30am

Dental Clinic Hours
Mon-Thu: 8am-5pm
Closed: 12pm-1pm

Pharmacy Hours
Mon-Fri: 8am-5:30pm
Closed: 12:30pm-1:30pm

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