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Andrea Alvarez, LLC, Special Education Advocate
"As the previous Director of Special Education, I have attended, written, advocated and led dozens of Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s). As a former Special Education teacher, resource specialist, and assistant director, I have worked closely with administrators, parents, counselors, and teachers to help create educational programs that benefit each child.
It may surprise you to know that once school districts are aware that a Child's Rights' Advocate is involved in your case, action begins to take place. My services assist parents on their path of advocating for their child's educational rights.
According to IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) all students have the right to a free and appropriate education that will support their basic needs. I can help answer your questions regarding your child’s IEP or 504 plan, review your child's current IEP and explain what next steps need to be taken or evaluate the IEP to see what may be missing. If you have any questions regarding education, I have the experience necessary to help guide you through the process and would be happy to speak with you."