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Annapolis Transit – Public Transportation – MARYLAND
Annapolis Transit
308 Chinquapin Round Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
Operations Office: (410) 263-7964 Ext. 6011
Phone: 410-263-7964
Counties Served: Anne Arundel County – City of Annapolis
The Annapolis Department of Transportation (ADOT) provides bus transit services through the Circulator
route, regular fixed route services and specialized transportation services, covering areas from Bay Forest Plaza in
the east and Gateway Village and Annapolis Mall in the west. The specialized transportation services provide curb-
to-curb services for persons with disabilities and senior customers.
Bus Routes & Schedules:
Gold Route:
The Gold Route serves Edgewater to Arnold, include Anne Arundel Community College. The route runs seven days
a week and travels via: South River Colony, Maryland Route 2, Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis Harbor Center,
West Field Mall, Anne Arundel Medical Center, Bestgate Road, Rowe Blvd., Church Circle, Ritchie Highway,
Arnold and Anne Arundel Community Center
Annapolis – Transportation for Seniors and Physically Challenged:
The Anne Arundel County Department of Aging "Van Transportation Program" serves seniors, 55 and over or
disabled persons, 18 and over. Wheelchair disability transportation is available.
For more information call (410) 222-4826.
The "Taxi Voucher Program" provides discount coupons for taxi services for county residents, 55 or older and persons with disabilities, 18 or older. who meet income eligibility guidelines. For more information call (410) 222-4222 or visit
Ride Partners:
This program matches volunteers with older and disabled adults who need long distance or recurrent transportation.
Regular, local volunteer transportation, for those unable to use public transit, is also available. For more information
call Partners in Care at (410) 544-4800 or visit