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Anoka-Hennepit School District Special Education
The Anoka-Hennepin School District services families living in 13 communities north of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. The Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation's (AHEF) mission is to seek resources to support and enrich educational opportunities for Anoka-Hennepin students in partnership with the community.
AHEF was created in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is a separate entity from the Anoka-Hennepin School District.
Special Education Programs:
River Trail Learning Center @ L.O. Jacob: River Trail Learning Center @ L.O. Jacob is a full day Special Education Setting IV Program for students K-12, administered and staffed by Anoka-Hennepin School District #11. All students have a disability, have a current Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and have significant emotional/behavioral needs.
Pathways: One of Anoka Hennepin District #11's special education transition sites serving students ages 18-21. Students have opportunities to develop independent and competitive work skills and plan for a career.
Bridges: Is a setting for students 18-21 years of age who are working on life skills and vocational training. Supervisor: Lori Olson (763)506-7501 Secretary: Patty Thorson (763)506-7602
ECSE: Early Childhood Special Education comprises all services to special education students from birth to Kindergarten.
Early Childhood Special Education Program-Main Office
Special Education Supervisor: Jane Roundtree
Sorteberg Early Childhood Center
11400 Magnolia Street NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448
Early Childhood Special Education Program Office
Special Education Program Supervisor: Pamela Tarasar
Riverview Early Childhood Center
1400 93rd Avenue N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55444
For concerns regarding your child's development call:
Screening of children 3-5 years of age (763)433-4602
Screening of children birth-3 years of age (763)433-4888
Transition Plus: is a Setting IV program for special education students age 18-21 in need of transitional programming. Tricia Hughes (763)506-7601 Secretary – Pat Thorson (763)506-7602
Specialist Directory:
Special Programs: