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The Arc Minnesota
The Arc Minnesota is a private, non-profit, statewide voluntary organization. The mission of The Arc Minnesota is to promote and protect the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively support their full inclusion and participation in the community. Originally organized to serve children with intellectual disabilities, The Arc now serves people of all ages with many kinds of developmental disabilities including, but not limited to, intellectual disabilities, Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Arc is different from other organizations in that it is concerned with the total life of an individual, from birth to death, and with all services or needs an individual and his or her family may have.
The Arc movement began in Minnesota in 1946 at a time when institutional care was substandard, community alternatives were rarely available, and myths about developmental disabilities were widespread so that people with developmental disabilities and their families were isolated from the rest of society. The Arc Minnesota office is located in St. Paul; local chapters of The Arc span the state. The Arc and its services are available to all citizens of Minnesota at the local and at the state level. Workshops, information, one-on-one advocacy for families and their children with developmental disabilities, public policy advocacy, and support services are provided across the state by local chapters or The Arc Minnesota.