Resources Directory
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Archdiocese of St. Louis Department of Special Education
Catholic Education Office
Dr. Karen Tichy – Associate Superintendent for Instruction
"Special education elementary schools for children whose learning disabilities, attention deficits, or other cognitive processing deficits require special education:
Annunziata School
9333 Clayton Road
Ladue MO 63124-1511
Ms. Gerre Book, Principal
The Academy at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
1220 Paddock Drive
Florissant MO 63033-3500
Ms. Jay Persinger, Principal
Elementary school learning centers (located adjacent to a general education parish elementary school) for children whose learning disabilities, attention deficits, and cognitive processing deficits require that part of their curriculum be taught in a special education classroom.
Ascension Learning Center
238 Santa Maria
Chesterfield MO 63005-1631
St. John the Baptist Learning Center
5021 Adkins
St. Louis MO 63116-3363
Center for children with autism and other developmental disabilities:
St. Gemma Center for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
15712 Clayton Road
Ellisville MO 63011-2300
Pre-vocational services for high school students with disabilities enrolled at partner high schools:
St. Joseph’s Special Services
4445 Lindell Boulevard
St. Louis MO 63108"