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Arizona Community Information & Referral / First Call for Help
"Provides access to information about health, human, and emergency services provided in Arizona communities.mmunity Information and Referral Services serves as Arizona’s key source of integrated information that brings people and services together to meet vital needs. It is our vision that all Arizonans are easily connected to available health and human services in their communities.
We are the lead agency and provider of 2-1-1 services in Arizona. Community Information & Referral is the key source of integrated information that brings people and services together every day with ease, compassion, and quality to meet vital needs in central and northern Arizona. Offers our full spectrum of referrals to the ten central and northern counties of Arizona. This includes the counties of Apache, Coconino, Gila, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Yavapai, and Yuma. We also offer statewide referrals for seasonal events including Free Income Tax Assistance, Summer Activities, Flu/Pneumonia Immunizations, Holiday Assistance, and various celebrations throughout the year. We can help you find assistance outside our service area. "
Phone: 211 (in Arizona)
Callers using TDD, use Arizona Relay (800-367-8939 or 7-1-1)