Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities

Address: 1789 West Jefferson Avenue, S/C 791A
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-0419 Fax: (602) 5426870 Website:

Our services and supports help eligible individuals with developmental disabilities achieve self-sufficiency and independence. The Division likewise offers supports for family members and other caregivers. We believe that you can best be supported in integrated community settings and the majority of the Division’s programs and services are tailored to meet individual needs at home and other community settings.


Areas Served: Ahwatukee, Chandler, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Higley, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe. Clientele consists of babies through adults with varying special needs including Autism, Brain injury, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome – Epilepsy, Mental Retardation, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Seizure Disorder, William's Syndrome, and more!  Providers are paid by the state through the services listed below with no out-of-pocket cost to the family!
D.D.D. Services Utilized: Habilitation – Respite – Attendant Care – Daytime Treatment & Training – Homemaker – Non-emergency Transportation 

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