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Arizona Employment and Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation Services Administration, Department of Economic Security
We strive to support the DES mission of promoting the safety, well-being, and self sufficiency of children, adults, and families by working with individuals with disabilities to achieve increased independence and/or gainful employment through the provision of comprehensive rehabilitative and employment support services in a partnership with all stakeholders.
The purpose of DES Child Care is to assist eligible families with child care costs, enabling parents to participate in employment and specific education and training activities related to employment, or in certain other circumstances when parents are unable to provide care. Families may choose from a variety of child care providers including Department of Health Services (DHS) licensed child care centers, DHS-certified child care group homes, DES-certified small family child care homes, and in some instances, non-certified relatives. Eligibility requirements vary with each program.
DES Child Care Services may be provided for the following eligible activities or needs:
Participation in DES Jobs Program.
Eligible education and training activities related to employment when working a minimum of 20 hours per week.
High school, GED or remedial education classes for teen parents.
Unable or unavailable to provide care for children due to a physical, mental, or emotional condition, participation in a drug treatment or rehabilitation program, or a court order community service program.
Residency in a homeless or domestic violence shelter.
Other needs as determined by Child Protective Services or foster care case plan.