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Arizona Game & Fish Department, Ben Avery Clay Target Center
Wheelchair Accessible Trap/Skeet Field: A new combination trap and skeet field that is specially re-modeled to accommodate shooters that use a wheelchair is now open. Unique fully-paved design of this field allows for much easier access and maneuverability than traditional sidewalk-style fields found at most clay target facilities. Large covered awning, as well as, an accommodating portable restroom. The new field is not just restricted to shooters using wheelchairs. It is a multi-use field for all patrons. Offers 17 lighted trap and skeet fields (overlays with 18 trap and 13 skeet). Every field features brand new throwing equipment, voice-activated releases and overhead lighting for evening shoots. Electronic game cards are in place to keep your game going at your convenience. Fields are also equipped with covered awnings, tables, benches, gun rests and drinking fountains.