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Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities
"Welcome to The State of Arizona endeavors to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities. AOAD is leading the way. The Arizona Office for Americans with Disabilities (AOAD) will be recognized as a leader in providing strong and consistent guidance to eliminate discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
Mission: Our mission is to guide the State of Arizona in implementing and complying with federal plus state disabilities laws. The mission will be accomplished by:
1. Providing resources and information.
2. Providing training first to employees of the State of Arizona and second to public and private sector organizations.
3. Providing an open door for people with disabilities.
4. Functioning as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator for the State of Arizona.
What can the AOAD do?
Answer Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) related questions.
Help develop a plan to achieve maximum accessibility.
Train employers and employees on federal and state disability laws.
Evaluate agency or company compliance programs.
Provide resources materials. Assist people with disabilities in understanding their rights."
TTY: (602) 542-6686