Ark Regional Services

Address: 1150 North 3rd Street
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 742-6641 Email: Website:

The vision of Ark Regional Services is that all people have the opportunity to experience the world in which we all live.

  • Opportunities for Living – Ark provide supports designed to offer people the greatest degree of independence and encourage the highest level of participation. They can provide services that are tailored to individual needs, and can assist with increasing the skills needed to be successful.
  • Opportunities for Learning – Regardless of where life takes us, gaining knowledge and developing skill is essential to experiencing it to its fullest! Ark offers support in identifying areas for development, and assistance in creating the best opportunities for success possible.
  • Opportunities for Working – Work helps us express ourselves, connect to our communities, and develop confidence. Ark assists people in securing meaningful employment based upon their skills and interests, as well as developing successful work opportunities and experiences.
  • Opportunities for Playing – People should do the things they enjoy in the company of people they like. Ark supports people in developing meaningful relationships, fostering natural supports, and participating in and contributing to their community. They value fun, and encourage people to find every opportunity to experience life.

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