Arkansas Department of Education – Special Education

Address: 1401 West Capitol Ave., Victory Bldg. Suite 450
Little Rock, AR 72201-2936
Phone: (501) 682-4221 Fax: (501) 6824222 Email: Website:

Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Education, Special Education website. Our website has been designed to offer straightforward access to useful special education information for parents, teachers, school administrators, and members of the public. Users of the Special Education website can print or save any document found on the website. To save, right click on the document, select the "Save Target As" option, and then Save.

The Office of Special Education Programs in the U. S. Department of Education requires that the States report annually to the public on the performance of 20 indicators of Special Education. Visit the policy page to review a copy of Arkansas's State Performance Plan, Annual Performance Report and a quick reference index of improvement activities.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?