Arkansas Disability Coalition

Address: 1501 N. University Ave., Suite 268
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 614-7020 Fax: (501) 6149082 Email: Website:

The Arkansas Disability Coalition, ADC, formerly named the Arkansas Coalition for the Handicapped, was incorporated in 1976. The ADC began with a group of families, who had children with various disabilities. The Arkansas Disability Coalition (ADC), a 501c3 non-profit organization, has been in existence over 30 years, having been incorporated in 1976. The ADC is a statewide organization that assists families and individuals with all types of disabilities by providing information, support, resources, and training.   The ADC is the parent organization of the Arkansas Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) and the Family-2-Family Health Information Center of Arkansas (F2F HIC).

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