Assistive Technology Solutions

Address: 3701 Bellemeade Avenue, A Division of the Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center
Evansville, IN 47714-0137
Phone: (812) 492-0659 Fax: (812) 437-2611 Email: NO EMAIL Website:

Assistive Technology Solutions, formerly known as Easter Seals’ Durable Medical Equipment division, is a very well established provider of equipment and technology to help individuals maximize their independence. We offer adult and pediatric equipment, as well as, ever changing new technologies.

We are not underwritten, nor funded, through the Easter Seals organization fundraising. Donations to Easter Seals are strictly utilized to help families with medical therapy. Equipment and services provided by Assistive Technology are initiated by a referral from your physician. We work directly with your physician and insurance companies, including Medicare and Medicaid, to make sure you receive the custom equipment that best suits your personal need. This equipment is usually identified by one of our staff, a certified Assistive Technology Professionals, through an initial evaluation at your home.

Once the evaluation is complete, we obtain all necessary approvals and authorizations to begin the custom order process. Upon receipt, your equipment is readied for delivery and a final fitting is scheduled.

The type equipment we typically provide are:
Mobility (manual, power and complex rehab wheelchairs, scooters and transport chairs)
Walkers and Rollators
Portable ramps
Home Modification Evaluations, and a broad range of home equipment including shower/bath aides.

If you have any questions, please just stop by our Showroom at Easter Seals, email or call (812) 492-0659.

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