Association for Conductive Education in North America

Address: PO Box 7077
Grand Rapids, MI 49510
Phone: (616) 575-0575 Email: Website:

The Association for Conductive Education in North America (ACENA) is the representative of the programs and professionals providing conductive education services within the North American continent. ACENA acknowledges and promotes the practice of conductive education.

Conductive Education is a unique teaching method developed about seventy years ago by a Hungarian doctor/educator named Dr. András Peto. Dr. Peto specifically designed his education system for children and adults with neuro-motor disabilities (stroke survivors, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and acquired brain injuries).

Conductive Education molds physical activities with cognitive tasks, emphasizes communication and places the individuals in group settings to stimulate their senses and body on multiple levels, which maximizes active learning and functionality. Conductive Education is offered in various group and individual settings in North America. Its professionals are the Conductors/Conductive Education Teachers, who hold a bachelor/master degree in Conductive Education and regular education teaching. Conductive Education focuses on the child’s/adult’s potential and ultimately attempts to shift the disabled personality to a physically and emotionally independent mind set regardless of the equipment they may or may not use for the long or short term. Depending on the age group in Conductive Education, the Conductors introduce individualized problem solving methods which are followed by a very consistent and functional practice. As a result the student/adult realize their success which helps them to stay motivated and physically and cognitively active during their every day routine.


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