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Association for Special Children and Families
The Association for Special Children and Families (ASCF) is a community-based organization for families of children with disabilities. We were founded by a small group of dedicated parents who wanted to assist other parents in the challenging role of parenting and educating a child with a disability.
We have been here since 1978 helping and supporting parents who have children with disabilities. At the beginning we were all volunteer parents who operated on small donations. Now we are a powerful force of 9 staff, community volunteers and partner agencies who work together toward a common goal of helping children with special needs reach achieve their full potential. Activities are financed by state, county and federal agencies, local community groups and individual donations. ASCF serves as the Highlands Parent Center, the first and only community parents resource center in New Jersey, funded by the Office of special Education (OSEP), US Department of Education. We are proud of what we have achieved and excited about what is to come.
Our mission is to empower and support families to raise all their children to reach their full potential. Our vision is that all individuals are included in their communities.