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Avista Adventist Hospital (Level II NICU)
Avista Adventist Hospital in Louisville, Colorado consistently ranks among the nation's top hospitals for physician and employee satisfaction, and is well-known for its outstanding patient care and above-the-call-of-duty service. A 114-bed full service hospital, Avista not only provides first-rate critical care services, such as emergency, trauma and intensive care, but it is also home to the New Life Center, the Louisville and Boulder area's largest and most innovative birth center.
We always want to bring you the best in health care. So we've brought the best in technology to our operating suites. Avista Adventist Hospital surgery suites feature 32,000 square feet of the world's most advanced technology. They're outfitted with video equipment used for all types of surgery, including neuro and orthopedic surgery such as total joint replacement. They have the latest in resources for surgeons including voice-activated controls, x-rays that transform into 3-D images, and wider images for extra precision. In fact, we have the highest definition, flat screen surgical monitors available. So even if you are asleep when you're here, you can rest assured you're in the very best hands.