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Baldwin Rural Area Transportation (BRATS)
The Baldwin Rural Area Transportation (BRATS) makes every effort to serve the needs of all the citizens of Baldwin County. Anyone, any age and ability is eligible to enjoy our public transit system. Our transit program provides many with increased independence, supports an active lifestyle, reduces traffic congestions, helps protect the local environment and provides greater access to our community. Since our buses cross and re-cross the entire county, the chances are excellent that one of our regular routes will be just what you need. If one of the regular routes is not traveling to your destination or at the time that will accommodate you, we attempt to customize a route for you.
If you have never utilized our public transit system, be sure to notify our scheduler and your driver that you are a first time rider, so they will allow for additional time to assist you in learning how to independently use our transit system. We want your experience to be a positive and enjoyable one.
Our fleet of over 60 vehicles are maintained for safety and compliance with all federal and state regulations. We take pride in maintaining our fleet in a state of good repair.
As Baldwin County’s only public transit system it allows us to be involved with assisting our community during emergency evacuations when due to a natural disaster, a vehicle accident, apartment evacuations, etc.