Bozeman Eagle Mount

Address: 6901 Goldenstein Lane
Bozeman, MT 59715
Phone: (406) 586-1781 Fax: (406) 5865794 Email: Website:

For well over 20 years, thousands of people dealing with all kinds of disabilities and children diagnosed with cancer have been transformed in the embrace of a community that believes only in their limitless abilities! Against the backdrop of Montana’s magnificent Rocky Mountains, therapeutic recreation provides amazing experiences in winter sports, horseback riding, swimming, camping, ice skating, fishing, kayaking, and much more. Eagle Mount’s therapeutic programs provide recreational opportunities for people, of all ages, with disabilities and children with cancer. We offer skiing, swimming, horseback riding, ice-skating, fishing, Saturday Night Out, golf, kayaking, cycling, and horticulture to our participants in a caring and loving environment. Our highly trained staff and volunteers enable participants to thrive in an atmosphere of heaps of fun and the magic of the outdoors. We believe in possibilities. Our focus is on strengths rather than limitations. The results? Minds are challenged. Muscles are stretched and strengthened. Lives are forever changed. Attitudes transform and spirits come alive. It is not only the participants that benefit from Eagle Mount programs. Thousands of volunteers within our community have rediscovered the joy and inspiration in connecting with others. Through building a community of families, investors, volunteers, and participants, we are all embraced by a spirit of connection that enriches and transforms all our lives. Many of our volunteers say, "I get just as much out of the program as the participant does." We invite you to contact us and take that first step. With your support, Eagle Mount will continue to impact lives and strengthen our community.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?