Brain Injury Association of Maryland

Address: 2200 Kernan Drive
Baltimore, MD 21207
Phone: (410) 448-2924 Fax: (410) 4483541 Email: Website:

Resource specialists provide, free of charge, information, educational materials, resource coordination, support and hope to individuals with brain injury and their families.
Our Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and by appointment.
We have a statewide toll-free hotline (800.221.6443) maintain a lending library and publish guides such as The Maryland Directory of Brain Injury Resources, The Brain Injury Guidebook and LINKS, BIAM's electronic newsletter.
BIAM provides Case Management Services and Provider Trainings throughout the State, for a fee. In addition, we assist with research dissemination and clinical trial subject recruitment.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?