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Brain Injury Association of Nebraska, Inc.
Sharon Auld & Jan Kauffman – Executive Directors
As the only statewide non-profit exclusively dedicated to brain injury, the Brain Injury Association of Nebraska (BIA-NE) strives to enhance the quality of life for the over 36,000 individuals impacted by brain injuries and their families through research, education and advocacy and by preventing future brain injuries. As an affiliate of the Brain Injury Association of America, we are committed to creating a better future for all Nebraskans with brain injuries and their families. Serving the brain injury community means working to secure and develop community-based services, providing support groups and access to pertinent information, medical resources and service referrals. Brain injury is a lasting challenge. It doesn't become less complicated with time, but more complicated. BIA provides the resources to help people with brain injuries a chance to rebuild their lives; to restore purposeful living and to rebuild hope and optimism. Specifically, the BIA-NE provides: Education through extensive information about brain injury and conferences and trainings in Nebraska for persons with brain injuries, family caregivers and professionals; Outreach and Family Support by providing resources for education, employment and on service providers. We operate a toll-free help line, which provides outreach and referral services for newly injured Nebraskans and their loved ones; Our support groups offer emotional healing, encouragement, education, socialization and confidence building. Fourteen support groups are active in the state; Through the Brain Injury Network, we present bi-weekly information on brain injury, resources and services in the state. Information on events, trainings, new developments in brain injury, and state and national news are sent to a statewide network via email; Public Awareness through educating the public and increasing statewide awareness of brain injury as a serious disability with lifelong consequences is achieved through the development and distribution of prevention education and public awareness. To reduce the occurrence of the brain injuries, we educate educating children, coaches, trainers and parents through the news media, social networking and our website; Advocacy promotes and advances the rights of people with brain injury. The BIA-NE works with people with brain injury and family members to represent their concerns through legislative efforts. We work with elected and appointed policymakers to improve funding, services, legislation and make public policy changes regarding the welfare, rights and dignity of individuals who have experienced a brain injury. Empowerment means encouraging individuals w ith brain injuries to tell their stories and family members to advocate for their needs. We present Education through conferences, workshops and trainings for individuals with brain injuries, families and the professionals who work with them.