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Brain Trauma Foundation
"The Brain Trauma Foundation’s (BTF) mission is to translate neuroscience into effective solutions.
Our efforts also focus on public education aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the symptoms of a concussion. Our goal is to better educate coaches, nurses, athletes, parents and all citizens about the importance of recognizing concussions and taking the appropriate steps to ensure people receive appropriate care. Also by educating healthcare professionals on the immediate care for coma patients, we estimate that thousands of lives could be saved each year in the U.S., millions worldwide, and more would be spared life-long disabilities.
Research has proven that all brain damage does not occur at the moment of impact but rather evolves over the ensuing hours and days after the initial injury, due to brain swelling and inadequate oxygen and blood flow to the injured brain. In most cases, this secondary damage can be controlled by applying scientific, evidence-based diagnostic and treatment Guidelines, which BTF has developed with medical organizations and physicians with expertise in TBI.
Established the first international Guidelines education and patient tracking sites in Eastern Europe with a grant from the Open Society Institute. Major reduction in deaths demonstrated, following compliance with the program goals.
Created the first training program to improve pre-hospital TBI care by implementing a comprehensive state-wide plan to reach approximately 600,000 ambulance personnel in all fifty states and the first curriculum for military medical personnel based on the TBI Guidelines.
Established the first New York TBI State trauma center tracking and compliance network with the New York State Department of Health. Similar network established in other centers in the U.S., Colombia, and India.
First research funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation to study the neurobiology of mild TBI (concussion), and to develop diagnosis methods and therapeutic interventions.
A recent analysis conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that if these BTF Guidelines were used more routinely, there would be a 50% decrease in deaths, improved quality of life and a cost savings of $3.8 billion a year.
Educating Health Care Professionals
BTF offers updated continuing education activities for all levels of health care professionals caring for TBI patients. The online activities include recorded presentations, live web-based lectures, and interactive learning modules based on the latest scientific-evidence. Also available on the BTF Learning Portal is an online version of the EMS course developed in coordination with National Highway Traffic Safety Administration."