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Bright Steps Forward, Inc.
Bright Steps Forward, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides funding for intensive pediatric therapy to financially disadvantaged children with neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, disabilities of prematurity, autism and other congenital or acquired conditions that affect their physical functioning.
Intensive pediatric therapy uses state-of-the-art therapy techniques, such as the Suit Therapy MethodA form fitting suit consisting of a cap, vest, shorts, kneepads, and specially adapted shoes, all connected to each other through a system of adjustable straps and elastic bands, and Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyHyperbaric oxygen therapy is a form of medical treatment that employs the use of 100% oxygen, generally inside a specialized chamber. Hyperbaric oxygen allows nonfunctional brain cells to revive and ultimately to be used in restoring function to areas of the body used in speech, cognition, movement and coordination, along with more traditional physical therapy methods to achieve rapid strides in physical strength and coordination.
Bright Steps Forward, Inc. accepts grant applications (the registration form) from individuals, regardless of their geographic location, race, gender or sexual orientation. If accepted, all that's needed is the drive to succeed and the expectation that miracles, indeed, can happen. Those found to qualify for and who receive a grant (based on financial need and documentation of illness) may attend any of the forty or so clinics nationwide that offer this type of therapy.