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Bullhead Area Transit System (BATS)
City of Bullhead City
"Dial-a-BATS Door-to-Door
In accordance with Federal Transit Administration regulations and the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Bullhead Area Transit System provides origin to destination paratransit service for passengers who are prevented from using the fixed route bus system due to a disability or mobility limitation. All rides for pre-approved passengers are $2.00 each way and must be reserved 24 hours in advance.
Scheduling your Ride
Approved Paratransit passengers may schedule their rides by calling BATS Dispatch at (928) 704-2287. Rides are assigned on a first come, first served basis and passengers are encouraged to make their reservation 24 hours in advance."
TDD (928) 763-9400
BATS Dispatch: (928) 704-2287