Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services, Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry

Address: 1521 North 6th Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Phone: (717) 787-6176 Website: http://www.dli.pa.gov/Individuals/Disability-Services/bbvs/Pages/default.aspx

BBVS services are provided throughout the Commonwealth by professional staff in District Offices located in the following cities: Philadelphia, Wilkes-Barre, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburgh and Erie. Please consult the Department of Labor & Industry Web Page Regional map of Pennsylvania for the address and phone numbers of the BBVS District Office closest to you. However, you do not need to visit an office in order to receive services since our staff will be happy to make an appointment to come to your home and take an application for services.

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program helps individuals prepare for or retain employment. Services offered can include but are not limited to: counseling and guidance; vocational evaluation; blindness skills training; orientation and mobility instruction; rehabilitation teaching; vocational and college training; occupational tools and equipment; and, job placement services. Services are based on an individual's needs and choices, and some or all of these services may be needed for the person to prepare for or retain employment. VR counselors work directly with the individual to determine an employment goal and what services are needed to reach that goal. An Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) is developed jointly by the counselor and customer.

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