Burlington County Special Services School District

Address: 20 Pioneer Blvd
Mt Holly, NJ 08060
Phone: (609) 261-5600 Fax: (609) 2615967 Website: http://www.bcsssd.k12.nj.us/bcsssd/site/default.asp

The Burlington County Special Services School District is a public school that educates over 1,000 students with special needs. The district provides comprehensive educational and therapeutic programs for pre-school and school age students whose needs are beyond the capabilities of the local sending districts. The Burlington County Special Services School District has evolved into a model program for preparing challenged youngsters to become productive members of society, while operating in a highly cost efficient manner.

In addition to its widely recognized programs for students with multiple disabilities and autism, the Burlington County Special Services School District offers a continuum of program options for students with behavioral issues. Featured are both traditional, classroom-based schools and a variety of alternative approaches.

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