Calvert County Health Department – MARYLAND

Address: 975 Solomons Island Road North
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Phone: (410) 535-5400 Website:

Calvert County Health Department

Phone: 410-535-5400

DC Metro: 301-855-1353

Annapolis: 410-269-2216

Crisis Hotline (410) 535-1121

Calvert County Health Department is a governmental organization.   As an agent of both the state of Maryland and

county government, it provides local public health services under the direction of the Health Officer.   The Health

Officer is authorized to enforce the health laws and regulations of Maryland and the health ordinances of Calvert

County.  In addition to enforcing health laws, particularly in regard to sanitation and communicable diseases, the health

department provides a number of health-related services that directly benefit individuals as well as the community at

large. Calvert County Health Department has evolved into a contemporary full-service organization with approximately

130 employees and an annual budget of 11 million dollars. Its central office, which houses administration, personal

health services and mental health services, is located at 975 Solomons Island Road North in Prince Frederick on the

campus of Calvert Memorial Hospital; substance abuse treatment services are located in Barstow on the campus of the

county detention center; environmental services are located at the county office building in Prince Frederick.

Medical Assistance Transportation Program

The Calvert County Health Department assists county residents who have a valid Medical Assistance card and need help

in arranging transportation to planned medical appointments.   A brief telephone screening will be conducted to

determine eligibility for the program. Transportation is limited to medical services in Calvert County or hospital clinics

in Washington, D.C. or Baltimore.

Call the Calvert County Health Department at 410-535-5400 for more information.


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